journals | subjects |
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol(2010)42(3):294-303. | Blockade of airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness by inhibition of BLT2, a low-affinity leukotriene B4 receptor (고려대) |
Carcinogenesis(2010)31(4):543-51. | Pro-survival of estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer cells is regulated by a BLT2–reactive oxygen species-linked signaling pathway (고려대) |
J Immunol(2010)1;184(7):3946-54. | Proinflammatory cytokine IL-1beta stimulates IL-8 synthesis in mast cells via a leukotriene B4 receptor 2-linked pathway, contributing to angiogenesis (고려대) |
Exp Mol Med(2010)31;42(12):833-41. | Low-dose UVB irradiation stimulates MMP-1 expression via a BLT2-linked pathway in HaCaT cells (고려대) |
Poult Sci.(2010)89(11):2426-31. | Molecular characterization of chicken infectious anemia viruses detected from breeder and broiler chickens in South Korea (수의과학검역원) |