NO (Nitric Oxide) Plus Detection kit
Products that can indirectly measure NO produced by NOS (Nitric Oxide synthesis) in Urine sample, culture media, Plasma, serum, Tissue homogenate
• Products is developed based on the Diazotization assay (Griess
• It is composed of two kinds of solutions and is suitable for quantitative
determination of nitric oxide (NO).
• Provide sufficient Nitrite standard solution to perform control test at least
13 times
NO (Nitric Oxide) Plus Detection Kit is an indirect measurement of nitrite
(NO2-). Nitric oxide is an effector molecule of macrophage-mediated
cytotoxicity that inhibits mitochondrial respiration and DNA synthesis, and is
recognized as a suppressive factor that inhibits the anti-tumor immune
response. This product is based on the Griess method. L-arginine is converted to citrulline by
nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and nitrite (NO2-) generates diazonium salt
by reacting with sulfanilamide. This product is combined with naphthylethylenediamine to
form colorimetric change.
It is a product that can quantitatively measure NO by two types of solution
01 - Quantitative analysis of total nitric oxide
02 - Research for cell cytotoxicity and immune response
Kit Contents
Technical Data
Schematic protocol and nitrite standard curve according to 9-serial 2-fold dilutions method.
Schematic protocol and nitrite standard curve according to 6-serial 2-fold dilutions method.
Product | Cat.No | Capacity | inquire |