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NO (Nitric Oxide) Plus Detection kit

Cat.No Capacity Inquire
21023 ≤ 1000 assay Inquire


Products that can indirectly measure NO produced by NOS (Nitric Oxide synthesis) in Urine sample, culture media, Plasma, serum, Tissue homogenate


• Products is developed based on the Diazotization assay (
Griess method)
• It is composed of two kinds of solutions and is suitable for quantitative determination of nitric oxide (NO).
• Provide sufficient Nitrite standard solution to perform control test at least 13 times

NO (Nitric Oxide) Plus Detection Kit is an indirect measurement of nitrite (NO2-). Nitric oxide is an effector molecule of macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity that inhibits mitochondrial respiration and DNA synthesis, and is recognized as a suppressive factor that inhibits the anti-tumor immune response. This product is based on the
Griess method. L-arginine is converted to citrulline by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and nitrite (NO2-) generates diazonium salt by reacting with sulfanilamide. This product is combined with naphthylethylenediamine to form colorimetric change.
It is a product that can quantitatively measure NO by two types of solution mix.






01 - Quantitative analysis of total nitric oxide
02 - Research for cell cytotoxicity and immune response


Kit Contents




Technical Data

Schematic protocol and nitrite standard curve according to 9-serial 2-fold dilutions method.

Schematic protocol and nitrite standard curve according to 6-serial 2-fold dilutions method.




TroubleShooting Guide
Q. How can the NO measurement be carried out for Plasma or serum?
A. This is the same protocol as using cultured cells. For more effective measurement, dilute the sample to 1/2 to 1/10 with PBS solution, filter with 0.22 μm filter, and apply the assay according to the manual.
Q. The product description and the manual say that a comprehensive NO determination is possible, but only nitrite information is provided.
A.  Griess method is only possible indirect measurement of nitrite (NO2-) and nitrite (NO3-) requires additional process of NO3- → NO2- conversion using nitrite reductase. As well. In general, NO3- is released from the body, but it is converted into NO2- through an in vivo mechanism, which reacts to the cells and NO2- is the main measurement target of biological experiments. If quantitative measurement of NO3- is required depending on the purpose of the experiment, it is recommended to treat the nitrite reductase and calculate the result by calculating the appropriate concentration.


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