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Catch your Mycoplasma !!
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e-Myco valid.pdf

Date 08-Aug-18 Hit 4443

Early detection of Mycoplasma is key

e-Myco Valid Mycoplasma detection kit


Mycoplasma contamination is one of the most common and serious problems in culturing cells because it alters the phenotypic characteristics of the cells and can negatively impact results. Since mycoplasma is typically not visible and does not respond to antibiotics, an alternative sensitive and reliable detection method is required.


e-Myco Valid PCR/qPCR detection following E.P Guideline 2.6.7 is quick and reliable way for screening your cell culture routinely.


Let's meet e-Myco Valid now for your safety ~! ( Just click here )


See the attached file which is above.

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it is iNtRON.


